Love Stories

Pets Love Pedego Too: Unleashing Health Improvements for Both Humans and Fur Babies

December 8, 2014

Suzanne Pedegoes about twenty miles a day along with her Yorkshire Terrier, Bogie. “We go everywhere together,” she says, “He loves his bike, but he’s also a guard dog. This dog won’t let anyone near my Pedego.”

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Love Stories

Restoring Dream Lifestyles Indefinitely with Pedego Electric Bikes

December 8, 2014

Twenty-one years ago, Beth Turner left her corporate job and opened a coffee and garden shop six blocks away from home. Her goal was to live an active, sustainable lifestyle and ride her bike to work every day.

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Love Stories

Fun with Benefits

December 8, 2014

The best part about it is that it’s a lot of fun! Forget about all the other benefits, it’s fun, and isn’t that what life is all about?”

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Love Stories

Fun for Couples

December 8, 2014

After twenty-four years of marriage, spending quality time Pedegoing has brought them closer together. It’s an activity that they both enjoy and can always agree on.

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