Love Stories
Freedom of Movement
April 29, 2017

More than nine months after excruciating hip surgery, Kim is finally on the move again! “I’m a mover,” she explains, “and I’ve been so confined after this surgery. To get on a bike again and to be able to ride and feel normal again. It has meant everything to me.”
Kim’s Pedego is specially equipped to carry her crutches. She rides to physical therapy three times a week, and it’s so much fun that she hardly notices all the therapeutic exercises involved. “My physical therapist thinks it’s amazing!” Kim reports, “Now I show up with a smile on my face and new energy to keep going.”
Aside from the physical benefits, the sheer joy of Pedegoing has also contributed greatly to her recovery. “The thrill of moving fast and having the wind in my face has been incredible for my sanity, and really it’s been the Pedego bike that’s given me a sense of life back.”
Kim faces another grueling surgery on the opposite hip next year, and her only comfort is the knowledge that her Pedego will always be there for her. “I have such a long road ahead of me,” she says, “but I’m having a sense of pleasure and joy that I haven’t had for almost a year.”