Lindsay Monroe to Bike 1,700 Miles From Tulsa to Richmond After Walking Coast-to-coast With Her Dog

September 20, 2017

Monroe will ride her Pedego electric bike to complete her nearly 5,000-mile adventure

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif., Sept. 20, 2017 — Lindsay Monroe, 35, who walked 3,200 miles across America from Nov. 2016 to Sept. 2017, will embark on a 1,700-mile bicycle ride on Tuesday, Sept. 26, from the Pedego® Riverwalk electric bike store in Jenks, Okla., near Tulsa, en route to her destination of Richmond, Va., Altogether, her journey will have taken her nearly 5,000 miles across 15 states.

The spirited five-foot two-inch adventurer is headed back home, riding her 24-inch Pedego Interceptor electric bike. Monroe’s sole companion has been Cynthiana, AKA “Thina,” a formerly stray dog named for the Arkansas state grape. Thina joined Monroe on her journey when she was working at an Arkansas vineyard. Along her journey, Monroe works for her keep at restaurants and other small businesses, staying in locals’ homes or camping. On the trip back to the East Coast, Monroe and Thina will cycle through seven states. They are expected to arrive in Richmond, Va., on Nov. 13.

“It’s a joy to see America from a bicycle, especially with my dog Thina along for the ride in her trailer,” said Monroe, 35. “My Pedego Interceptor electric bike empowers me to easily visit sites that would be impossible to reach by car — and make a lot of new friends, too.”

A native of Rutland, Mass., Monroe was a bartender and professional photographer working 60 hours per week when she decided to walk across America and find new inspiration for her life. On her year-long journey, she has relied on the kindness of strangers for part-time work, food, and housing. She has discovered that people are inspired by her endeavor, and most are happy to help her, even if their own circumstances permit them to barely scrape together 10 dollars.
“We at Pedego Riverwalk are thrilled to be the kick-off location for Lindsay’s 1,700-mile ride to the East Coast,” said Matt Burkhart, owner of the Pedego Riverwalk electric bike store. “Lindsay will be riding a seafoam green Pedego 24-inch Interceptor, which boasts a rugged 500-watt motor and a powerful 48-volt battery that will enable her to pull Thina’s pet trailer the whole way.”

“Lindsay is an inspiration to us all,” said Pedego Electric Bikes CEO and co-founder Don DiCostanzo. “She shows us that we can take control of our lives, enjoy great adventures and make a lot of friends along the way.”

Follow Monroe’s journey on Facebook:

About Pedego

Pedego®  Electric Bikes is the Number 1 electric bike brand in the United States, according to Navigant Research. Pedego manufactures 12 high-quality, innovative models, including cruisers, tandems, commuters, fat-tire bikes, mountain bikes, cargo bikes and a convenient electric folding bike. Sold at more than 100 Pedego-branded stores and hundreds of independent electric bike dealers worldwide, Pedego’s stylish “pedal or not” electric bikes boast powerful, whisper-quiet motors that let riders sail up hills and breeze through headwinds with a smile. Available in hundreds of color combinations, Pedego electric bikes deliver a green alternative for transportation, exercise and recreation — transforming lives with fun and delight.  Founded in 2008, Orange County, Calif.-based Pedego inspires riders to say, “Hello, Fun!”


Teri Sawyer, T&Co.
[email protected]

Sandra Eckardt, T&Co.
[email protected]