Love Stories
Still Going Strong
May 29, 2017

David has logged over 40,000 miles on his beloved Pedego and they are both still going strong. “I expect it to do another 40,000 easily,” he says with confidence.
On a typical day, David will ride about 50 miles! He loves to explore parts of his hometown that he never knew existed, or that he only saw through a car window in the past.
David Pedegoes at a leisurely pace, and he always pedals. He enjoys the convenience of the throttle to help get started from a complete stop, but otherwise he uses the pedal assist mode almost exclusively.
For David, Pedego means freedom. It empowers him to venture out longer distances than would ever be possible on a traditional bicycle – with no worries. “I know that when I get tired at the end of a long jaunt, and I’ve still got another 9 miles to go, the bike’s going to get me home without killing me!”